torek, 27. marec 2012

Fourth Drunk Cook Book Presentation - International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC), 2012

                                                  Performance by Mark Požlep, Jaša, Saša Šuštar, Luka Uršič
                                                  foto: Jaka Babnik

                                                      Third Drunk Cook Book Presentation - Tam Ko Učiri, 2011
                                                                      Foto: Tomaž Črnej

                                                    Second Drunk Cook Book Presentation - Zeleni Zajec, 2011

                  First Drunk Cook Book Presentation - Bienale Slovenske Neodvisne Ilustracije, 2011   

                                             Performance by Mark Požlep and Gašper Piano, foto: NatanEsku

Drunk Cook Book - First Edition, December 2011